In the Classroom

First grade is an exciting year!

We will start every day with a morning meeting where we go over the daily schedule and morning message. This time is to build classroom community and develop classroom routines. 

Throughout the year we will develop our literacy skills and strategies through a workshop model. Both reader's and writer's workshop foster a child centered approach to teaching literacy that brings the "real" world of reading and writing into the classroom. In reader's workshop, students select their own reading materials, read at their own pace and talk to other about what they have read. In writer's workshop, students will learn to write, revise, edit and publish stories throughout the year. They will also begin to assess their writing and learn to implement the characteristics of quality writing into their own work. Most of our writing will be kept at school and will be sent home at the end of the year. It is a huge year for literacy and I can't wait to see all of the hard work and growth of the first grade readers and writers!

This year we will study insects, penguins and farms through integrated and interactive math units. Developing number sense is really important in the early grades because it provides the foundation for learning new math concepts. We will not only be working on "how" to solve problems,  but also understanding "why" these equations work. I will be encouraging students to practice and use multiple strategies for solving problems. I am very excited to work with the mathematicians of room 112!

Monday:  P.E. @10:35 - 11:05 & Media @ 12:15 - 12:45
Tuesday: P.E. @ 8:35 - 9:05
Wednesday: Music @ 12:45 - 1:15
Thursday: Music @ 12:45 - 1:15
Friday:  Library @ 12:15 - 12:45
